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Photo: Alleged abusive Christian husband sue wife in Sharia court, Abuja, accuses her of "praying and worshiping God too much"

Emeka Ugwuonye of the Due Process Advocates, who is the woman's lawyer shared the post on Facebook yesterday. Read below: 
"The third major case of the day today: The man that knocked off the teeth of his wife showed his true color. Fellow Advocates, today has been a terrible day for me. I actually had more battles than I have revealed to you.
There was a third case. Remember the man in Abuja who beat his wife and knocked off three of her teeth. I told you he was being arraigned yesterday and we were asked to choose a court. That was moved to today. Just before he was to be taken to court, he went flat on his stomach and began to plead and beg his wife to have the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ on him Everybody joined in begging the woman not to press on with the case. They even begged her to beg DPA.
After all the begging, the woman agreed on the following conditions: (1) The man would be on probation for one year. He is not to touch his wife even once, otherwise this charge will be revived. He wrote an undertaking to that effect. (2) He will not yell at her or threaten her again. The man signed twice on every page.
With the undertaken, everything seemed okay. The woman went home. And the man was released. But when she got home, she found out that the man had, unknown to her, filed a case against her in Sharia Court. Can you imagine? This man and his wife have been Christians from Imo State. Indeed, one of the things the man accused his wife of was that she was praying and worshiping God too much. Among the people the man called to beg his wife were Pastors and church people. But the man sued the woman in a Sharia Court. He wants them to impose Islamic judgement on his Christian wife. (I attached the summons from the Sharia Court so you will not think he is joking again).
Now, I am defending this woman. We are her lawyers. But I know nothing about the Sharia law. I am determined to go to that court. So, please anyone who has a copy of the Koran and the Sharia code should help me. I will spend this weekend studying sharia law so that I can defend this lady in the sharia court. My first line of argument is that the sharia court lacks jurisdiction since this woman is born again Christian. Also, i will seek to revoke that man's probation. He signed it on bad faith and he breached the terms same day he signed it"

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